Dustpaw and Sandpaw are already in the apprentices' den. Lionheart announces they are heading back to camp. Graypaw explains that it runs along the border for awhile and that ShadowClan tends to stay away because of it. Firepaw notes that the smells are familiar, but he had never seen such a large Thunderpath before. The cats continue along the ShadowClan border and reach the Thunderpath. Tigerclaw says that if he weakens Clan loyalty the whole Clan suffers.
Lionheart continues to explain that the Clans do meet peacefully at the full moon and praises Firepaw when he says there must be one soon, but the truce can only last for that night. Lionheart tells him that speaking from his heart will make him a stronger warrior, but Tigerclaw growls that it would make him weak when he needs to attack. The Clan cats fall silent, and Tigerclaw snaps at him, saying his thinking is treacherous. Lionheart says that is why they must protect their prey, but Firepaw replies that it seems foolish and that it would make more sense to work together. Graypaw points out ShadowClan territory, and Firepaw comments on how many Clans there are. Lionheart and Graypaw explain that the Clans meet there each full moon.

Firepaw smells RiverClan scent for the first time at Sunningrocks and they follow the border to Fourtrees. They assess whether it is safe to cross before entering into Tallpines and then towards RiverClan territory, Tigerclaw pointing out where the Twolegplace is. Firepaw struggles after them until they stop beside a Twoleg path. Tigerclaw tells them they are going to show him the borders and the cats take off. Lionheart tells Tigerclaw not to be too hard on the apprentices when he scolds them for being late before telling Firepaw that the two would share his training. Graypaw leads the way to the training hollow. Chapter description Graypaw wakes Firepaw up for training and explains that, since Ravenpaw was still injured, he would be training with Tigerclaw and Lionheart.